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Fruit Trees

Discover Rejay's Meyer Lemon and Turkey Fig Trees, perfect for your garden! Not only do they yield delicious fruits, but they also attract honeybees, promoting pollination for a bountiful harvest. Enjoy fresh, aromatic lemons and figs while supporting your bees, creating a thriving ecosystem that enhances both your garden and honey production!

Please note:

  • While you can grow lemon trees in new jersey, they do best when growing in full sun for at least 6 hours a day. They require well-drained soil and good air circulation. We advise that you grow your lemon tree in a pot, so they can be brought inside, or moved into a greenhouse, during the winter months. 

  • You can successfully grow fig trees in New Jersey; however, they should be protected during the winter months. Young fig trees in pots should be brought inside, or in a greenhouse, in the winter. If your fig is old enough to be planted in the ground, make sure to wrap or cover it with leaves or mulch to protect from frost.

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